

The Untold Saga of Faraway
The long dim shadows,
Of surrounding trees,
The hooting sound of an owl,
With enchanting whispers of the breeze,
Which echoes loud and clear ,
the saga unknown...
That calmness , of evening
That starlite , twinkling eyes
That upright moon's moonlight
That donting company
With whirlpool in wind
Shook the branch of the tree .
Now comes the storm ,
Along with are cloud of dust and trail of detached leaves ,
The frail figure in white gown ,
Making in haste , the way home
Galloping hooves , gunshots in the air .
Her gown entangled with the bushes ,
oh ! Help ho ! she called out for help ..
That headstrong hand ,
With palm of comfort ,
That shoulder rest ,
With overpowering baritone ,
His presence among the bushes
Was enchanting whispers of ease .
The hooves and gunshots were now gone ,
With ray of hope , perching birds
Making in haste the way home
The dainty damsel now eloped ,
With comfort and ease .
Now when she sitback and recall
Same music reverberate in the heart
long after the enchanting episode was heard and seen anymore .
For him the fragrance of her flowers
Kindles the heart evev when she is heard and seen anymore .
That wilderness , those wild flowers and berries ,
On the breezyway still saga is spoken
Once donting darling and dainty damsel resided among the trees ,
The long dim shadows luminates the paradise on a starlite night .
The church bells beckon ,
The donting company,
The paradise still waits for. celebration ,
With enchanting breeze ,
O 'erflowing fragrance ,
The paradise still waits for celebration.