

(A spark arising from a pandemic lockdown)

A four-letter word that stems from a wish or desire,
Much sought after when the year brings news that is dire.
Amidst chaos and pandemic that the globe has struck,
Is it substantial enough to believe in luck?

We HOPE a pain-free world there is to be,
A place that is rid of suffering, setting us free,
A cure is what we wish for, to bring this to an end,
The HOPE of something, to help us comprehend.

What is our role during this fight for life?
What can be crucially done to avoid any rife?
Is it time we begin to respect humanity as we know?
Perhaps foster relationships and hence understanding restore.
Scary, ain’t it? How we are brought to a standstill,
Left with only HOPE, that overcome it, we will.

A HOPE that the front-line is well and safe through it all,
Prayers for them we send, both big and small.
What kind of lessons must we take away from this?
Be thankful, take nothing for granted so we don’t miss!

So we see Mother Earth thriving and not bound with rope,
Appreciate the gift we are given and continue to HOPE.

-Sheldon Dominic Fernandez
Editor: Elrica Wendel Menezes
B.Sc. Human Development
B.Ed. English & Science