

His Absence
To my beloved father:

His absence feel like
A Stormy night full of loneliness
Wind carrying a sense of emptiness
Calm, cold night with no warmth

A home without him
Is just an haunting empty space
As cold as my heart
As lonely as my life

I hate all of my special days
His warmth nd soothing voice
Surrounds my empty space
Than suddenly it vanishes like haze

I miss him so bad
I can even fight to stay
Where I can hear him
I not silly ,I'm just desperate

Time is doing nothing for me
This pain is curving a hole in me
Unknown whispers keep me awake
Its like an in deferent maze

I used to be the happiness girl
Now, I lost my spark and smile
I swear, I want to be happy again
Wth you by my side

Seeing him in dreams
is like a dream come true
Then it breaks and disappears
Like a morning dew

I wish you had never left me
Your presence comforts me
Your smile was my strength
But, now I only feel numb

My heart cries with tears unseen
Sitting in darkness, my eyes weep
His presence means everything to me
Now, he's gone life has no means

Grief and sorrow never left my space
Maze, mess and misery is what my fate
If you were here, life would be great
Now, all is dark nd dark is solace

© ft