

The pillow is damp
The room and my spirits, both dark
This is not the first time
It has been happening now, time and again

They say-“Why do you sleep so late at night?”
They know not how scary night is
They do not know my fears, my pains They know not
For I bury my tears behind my glowing face
Lower my eyes to avoid the truth

They say-“You have lots of free time, enjoy and utilize it!”
Yes! Lots of time but of no use

There is no change in life
No outings, no classes, no nothing
Only my home, the taunts, the fear
And the insecurities of future

They say-“You should take rest.”
Rest feels good after hours of work
Not after nothing to do

I did not choose this free life
It is forced on me by situations

They say-“Are the results out?”
Every day the same question
Won’t I tell when it does come out?
Am I not waiting for the same?

They say-“You have a perfect life.”
Perfection is just an illusion
You think my life is perfect
You know what?
Do me a favour, live it for me….

Wiping my tears, I take a deep breath
Then, she comes…My sister
She looks past my eyes
And sees what I fail to hide

She pulls me closer, hugs me tightly
I cry like a baby, dropping huge tears on her chest
She holds me firmly, whispering into my ears

Probably, no solution comes out
But you know what?
For that few moments, I forget all my pain………….
© Sanika