

The Trouble
Sometimes, I am tired. I am tired of myself.
I am tired of my some habits.
I am tired of my own expectations.
I am tired of following the same routine everyday.
I am tired of behaving myself all the time.
I am tired of being good to all.
I am tired of all the problems
I am tired of pretending that I am okay.. I am absolutely fine..I am happy because I am not.
I am fed up of these things.
I want to escape. I want to get rid of this and all.
I want to live my life as I want.
I want to follow my own rules.
I want to be myself.
But I fail, I always fail in this.
This does not mean I won't try again, won't make a new start.
I will.
I will change my life, my habits, my surroundings.
I will change..change myself completely.