

Every season change with time
But today people become like season
People change time to time
Every single day they changed
Physically change, Mentally change
No one have time for one another
People change hurt sometime badly
Some people change for good
Some people change for bad
Behind the change of them
There's always a reason to change
Them like season
Today people mind also become memory
People know today to destroy beauty inside
They only accept outside beauty sometime
No one can understand each other
People change become common
Every time they changed like season
Always remember people not stay same
It's depend on time and situation
People become fake
They don't stay real always
Only some stay real forever
People know how to hurt someone
But they don't know to love really
Only they have attachment with other
Only some people know to regert
People know how to ignore
They make each other cry
They make changes each other like season
Some people change silently
Some people change loudly
No one stay same forever ,,,,,,,, ;