

Questionable Maintenance
This morning when I looked into the mirror
I noticed a crack on my left cheek.
It was a deep black scar,
one that sept into my face, grotesquely altering it.
But it’s ok! It’s just a tiny crack!
I’m sure a bandaid will fix the problem.

This morning when I looked into the mirror
I saw that I was now missing my left cheek.
My face simply had a piece carved from it.
All that had been left behind was a void
which seemed to be fighting against its suppression.
But it’s ok. It’s just a minute inconvenience.
I’m sure a mask will fix the problem.

This morning when I looked into the mirror
I was shocked to see another part of my face stolen.
Cracks now splintered the little that remained
and I sat in fear of what I would see tomorrow.
But it will be ok.. I just need to leave it alone.
I’m sure a little bit of time will fix the problem.

Today.. I didn’t want to look into the mirror.
And this fear was rationalized after taking the leap.
I tried to scream, but I couldn’t.
I tried to cry, but I couldn’t.
My mouth had been chopped away
and my eyes were reduced to merky white blobs
which floated through an undefined black void.
I fear that… maybe it wasn’t ok.
I fear that I can no longer fix the problem.

© Robert Taylor