

Noah's Ark

Rising oceans,
A warming globe,
Savage storms,
A warning foretold

Weather so dull
Ships back in shore
All looked empty in the mall
Waiting to calm

Schools shut in the middle
Fishes swept away off the seas
All seems very muddle
Knees deep into the water

The weatherman with hourly update
Rescue teams running skelter
Humanity turned as baits
An entire city plunged in dark

People swimming in the beach
Hell broke loose all too sudden
Cathedrals opened appearing as a siege
Half the city already drowned

Noah and his family safe in his ark
Dead men and women lying everywhere
It is really a huge shock
The sea roared for 40 days and 40 nights

God punished his people severely
All those who went looking for trouble
Warnings shunned verily verily
Finally, God's anger was at it's worst

© S. Francis Hector