

Life With You
Life had no meaning for you until someone came along and brought out colors into your life. Write a poem on it.

In the shadowed dusk of lonely days,
Where monotony reigned in somber haze,
A figure emerged, a radiant sight,
To paint my world in hues so bright.

Their laughter danced like golden light,
Chasing away the endless night.
With every smile, a new dawn broke,
And in their presence, my spirit awoke.

Gone were the grays of yesteryears,
Replaced by rainbows, dispelling fears.
In their embrace, I found my truth,
A kaleidoscope of love, absolute.

No longer adrift in aimless strife,
For they brought meaning to my life.
In their love, I've found my home,
Where colors bloom and hearts enthrone.

#writco #poem #love #loneliness #bright #life
© sunitanandhinee