

I don't feel you so keep your feelings to yourself.
I look past you when our eyes meet.
I'm your heaven, you're my hell.
Our worlds don't go together,
Only once did they collide.
Blinded by my light,
By you, my realm was set on fire.
As cosmic as it seems,
my planet took a bite.
My sun burnt out,
the moon dropped down,
struck by your meteorite.
Shook and out of orbit,
I fought to stabilize,
my galaxy,
my universe,
this place I call my life.

You passed me by so fast,
so far,
you flew out of my sight.
You were a ball of fire raging with weapons of dynamite.
You disappeared into thin air,
our time met its demise.
Crushed like rocks that turn to sand,
the evidence doesn't lie.

Fragments of your world were left in mine,
now we're combined.
Connected by this history,
kept frozen, left to die.
Somehow in the darkness,
it keeps itself alive.
My thoughts go separate ways.
For all I know, you're still in space.

Never to be forgotten, like a mark that can't be erased.
Remindful of the impact,
it's permanently engraved.


© Joanne Lea Potter