

Embrace The Less.

In the world full of ppl
I stand strong but Alone
Seeing ppl disappear in an open air
A casual routine of my daily affair

This world is full of frienemies
So, I'm an introvert, happily
Life is good living alone
Ppl suck so i stay in my own

Solitude is what I prefer
My space ,I embrace this solace
Whisper of chatters surround my place
But, I ignore it like fading haze

Earlier, I spend time with many
But can't connect with any
So, I Make keep my circle tight
Where mind collides, friendship ignite

We came alone and will go alone
Your true people, will never leave you alone
So embrace the less, live your best
Enjoy the life with genuine ppl by your side.

© ~FT

Thu, Feb 8