When l lost you
When l lost you,
You took my other half 💔
All special moments we had together
Jhus keep coming and going away
like ashes...coz
without you here, it's like a distant song..
When l lost you,
l lost to the people at once
Coz every time l miss you,
l miss the person l was
You took a better version of me
Dead and gone in your memory
Because who am l without us.
l go to stare at the mirror,
All l see is a reflection of you...
A would cry tears of...
You took my other half 💔
All special moments we had together
Jhus keep coming and going away
like ashes...coz
without you here, it's like a distant song..
When l lost you,
l lost to the people at once
Coz every time l miss you,
l miss the person l was
You took a better version of me
Dead and gone in your memory
Because who am l without us.
l go to stare at the mirror,
All l see is a reflection of you...
A would cry tears of...