

I Waited ...
I waited all day for that visit,
the one that never came.
I thought you were waiting for my phone call,
but the phone just rang and rang.
I waited for your letters,
but they must have lost their way.
I thought you'd be waiting for my release,
but I guess things must have changed.
I waited for those fences,
to no longer box me in.
I waited in the jungle,
where a lion has no friends.
I waited for the peace of mind,
that I could never seem hold.
I waited for those lunch trays,
out there in the cold.
I waited for eternity,
to not wear these prison blues.
Longing for the day,
when I once again could choose.
But while I sat there waiting,
you must have forgot that I existed.
I waited through every boring birthday,
and every lonely Christmas.
Eventually all this waiting,
will finally one day come to an end.
And I'll go looking for those letters,
the ones you never sent.
I'll finally get that visit,
the one you could never seem to make.
And for all ten million of those wishes,
to see you face to face.
I'll learn to let those resentments go,
and maybe you will see.
That for all those years I waited,
you always held a piece of me.

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