

Ongoing tragedy
The biggest punishment you can give someone is to grant them life on this cruel planet. The world, which we are creators of, is pure darkness where light is losing its power to shine. In this broken system, only two options remain for our children: be evil like everyone else so life can be easier for you, or be an angel and be stoned until the last day of suffering.

Oh, how can we be so wicked? Do our minds even have limits to stop them from making wounds in this floating heaven? Look around you, and you'll notice more flaws than good. You don't even need a telescope to discover black holes; they are much closer to us, right in our rotten souls. Sex, which turns people into pointless objects, has made money more valuable than our precious hearts. The ticklish desires that take control over us make us slaves to them. What has happened to us is just on going tragedy.

I wish I were lying, but my heart has experienced enough pain, and I'm losing the paint to color it back to its original hue. There's not much left for me to say. I must save every breath to fight further.

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