

What A Beautiful Name!
What a beautiful name, like a gentle breeze,
In its sacred syllables, our spirits find ease.
Whispered by the angels, in celestial delight,
A name that carries power, illuminating the night.

Jesus, the name that echoes through the ages,
Drawing hearts together, turning pages.
A name that's filled with wonder, and endless grace,
Revealing God's love, in every time and place.

What a beautiful name, that brings us to our knees,
In awe and reverence, we surrender with ease.
For in that name, there's salvation and peace,
A name that grants us hope, that will never cease.

With every breath we take, let His name be praised,
In the quiet moments, and in songs that are raised.
Oh, what a beautiful name, that touches our core,
Filling our lives with love, forevermore.

In times of joy and sorrow, through every rise and fall,
Jesus, the name we call upon, our all in all.
What a beautiful name, so precious, so divine,
In it, we find redemption, and a love that intertwines.
© Christopher Obeng-Manu (Christborn)