

The Show Must Go On
Taking a deep breath in I straighten my back
Tighten my tie and lift my head high
Slapping my cheeks twice to keep me in the moment
I make sure I plaster on a smile
Walking from behind the curtains
I make sure not to trip, not to flatter in my steps

I'll start with a joke
Maybe give a compliment to the lady in the front row
Or I'll have a nice chat with the man in fancy plaid
Talk to them about how they've been goes their day, their cat, their child, or their job
It's all decent chit-chat

My breath becomes shallow and my back is tense
The ties to tight now, choking me with ever move
Slapping my cheeks twice to keep myself awake
I make sure to not let tiredness show
Walking back behind the curtains I trip, I flatter
Falling to my knees I let myself rest knowing the show must go on again tomorrow

© Akki42