

When The Universe Heralds A Cleansing, Who Are You to Deny?
Harbinger of our doom,
Hurtling through space,
The asteroid is here too soon
Impending demise upon impact
Onlookers huddled in fear
Little hope left of remaining intact
These final moments hung in air
Lovers embrace, friends comfort,
Families cling to the times they share
Hands held, faces wet, eyes wide
Grudges forgotten, all is forgiven
Bonds made, lives lived, full of pride
The end is fast and it draws near
Enjoy your lives, enjoy your choices
Cherish all you love and hold so dear
The universe comes to collect
Its desires met without resistance
A force of nature you must respect
To ignore or deny is the end of you
The mistakes of man must be paid
Life is only left for the pure and true