

A Silly Mistake
A silly mistake...
that ruined my profile...
made me lose my account and
revoked my commenting rights...

Was in a search of writers...
who could be part of an anthology maybe, they mistook something
and sent a complaint to someone to revoke my rights.

A simple text with contact details...
never knew that this would create harm...
a simple text for a good purpose...
there wasn't any evil thing in my mind.

If I knew earlier...
that begging won't work...
I would have never approached and shown my true sincerity to those with crowded minds.

I'm a writer...
like you all! with an ordinary life.
I don't fool people with sweet talks...
or send them an invitation full of flaws.
I don't know... what went unfair and why did they forsake me when I did nothing wrong.

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