

everyday I put my pen to paper to release this energy that's taken residence in me

pain and Anger are the new tenants with
confusion and disbelief coming for visits

the longer they stay Anger usually gets his way starting you off to a bad day
you try to have it halt but it is like the ocean with salt

confusion doesn't know where to go running around circles with pain and Anger in tow

then disbelief and pain throwing them back with shots of affliction

it becomes a voiltal mix a toxic of realtions

then knock on the door it's Reason
come to calm the situation

well hello y'all what's the occasion you guys are gearing up for an altercation Anger says na we're her watching affliction teabag your mom then they beat his ass reciting all the reasons why he's a pussy and lock him away for treason

justice stops with his goody goody do gooder bullshit facts if you continue to lock up reason there's a strong chance you'll face prison

that's when Anger knocks his front teeth in and locks him up with reason

you both should be at that bitches house who caused the whole situation alow me time for deliberation

I put pen to paper this is the reason

© David Barrett

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