

Feed the Need
Walking down the streets ,
The air passed by with a very strong heat.

There was an Old Guy ,
Sitting on a bench under the Hot Sky.

He looked at me when I passed By ,
Putting forward his cup of coins with a pity eye.

I was desperate for his situation ,
Thinking about way to end his starvation.

I stopped nearby at a shop in the back ,
Looking at my cash to buy him a snack.

I bought him a water with some treats ,
To avoid him dying over the hot street.

He looked at me with a smile on his face ,
It is the only thing that nothing can replace.

He gave his blessings for making him feed ,
Even a small help can change the life in need.

Let me know what do you think about this inspiring Poem.
Thanks for Reading !!

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© @artist.ansh