

(A true awakening is that rises within. what I see outside is just a reflection. The bliss of dawn and the sunrise is felt within with a heart which is calmed and is serene. What I see outside is what I see within...I am blessed to have these feelings and so I've Woken)

I've woken to soundless dawn glad

I smile at this precious silent dark

Soon there will be light and spark

Shining more every blink of time

Wiping memories of what happened

The edge of my vision shall enlarge

The light shall strengthen to the white sky

In light silent strong prayers provoke

Glad as I push through and through

In the embrace of unsentimental truth

In that silence, I shall speak with God

Another life to do my unfinished jobs

Strong revive all the lost songs of love

The mind will inspire to emboldened glare

How beautiful thoughts nice expand

Spaces new many begin will to shape

Melt fearsome fears of a loathsome tale

And I shall joy's fresh poem compose

New perspectives see to hopeful grow

Through the lens of logic to life's echoes

As a soundless river, this life must flow

Like pretty women in love shall grow

Kindling underneath passionate more

To another day yet bright and blessed

Till in death's obliteration, I shall sleep.

(I woke up when it was still dark and I found myself expecting yet another experience of a fresh dawn. It was indeed a celebration of feelings and winged emotion seeing the golden Sun bloom majestic on the eastern horizon, revealing the pleasant landscapes of joyous occupations of the dawn that soon will progress to unfurl the morning's grace and impeccable candor.)
© srikantr