

love, forgiveness, and happiness
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey, I grew up a in strick home, never to go out or have friends, so my best friend was my diary and books I read, so it because apart of me in my adult life to read and write for fun, having a sheltered life, many people would say I would not know the ways of life, well i did and I do, because reading books also taught me about life, I was not out much in the world but reading about the world and it's ways, made me street smart, I was sheltered, but no one could not let me do what I didn't, I knew what I want and work towards it, I am not a friendly person now before of things that happened in my life mold me for the future, to know some people desurve a second chance while some you should let go, I had friends but not the right kind, and after years I knew they were not the right one, some people can pretend very well because deception is what they do, I had two friends back then, one was not happy honest, and the other could never, admit when she was wrong, part in having friends is that they can say to you that you are wrong, or if they are doing something wrong you can say you are wrong, life is a journey and there is right and wrong in this world, I gave her chance until, she wanted to love my life, to be me, if I had a boy friend she wanted his friend, and to me I am creating my own future to be happy have a family and get married one day, and I could not because we were not in high school anymore, we are grown but she wanted to love my life, if I have a boy he was her interest, she wanted to know who he was, where he is from and one day i told her that I was living my life and choosing my path and they she should do the same, I didn't want her mirroring me because life is not easy and my relationship, was not perfect me and my love had been through so much finding it in my heart to forgive each time he lied, finding it in my heart to forgave him each time i caught him texting another woman, I had to cry, heal , learn and to forgive, because this was the man i love, trusted and he was human, he made a mistake and i had to make a choice to forgive him and we both move on from it, so I didn't want her to mirror my life because I was making my future, I was learning, he time i at night when I was busy up texting my male friend and he got jellous and hurt, he time i tried to hurt his feelings because he hurt me it was him learning, how to cope with my behavior, learning to love me for me, so out life was being made, listen not all friends want you to have a happy life, so create your own path, learn to forgive because in the end I learned that when you love someone and they make mistake no matter how hurt you are, you will find it I your heart to forgive because no one is perfect and each mistake is a life lesson, and now here we are together happy and working on our own flaws to better for each other.
love , relationship is not easy, so when you find that one each person is different special in their own ways.
count your tears as a blessing because, problem strethens us not break us down.
and my other friend well after graduation I never saw her from that because she was too big to say she was wrong, when you have good friends Respect them, because they will have your backs
noe my best friend is my future husband. and I could not have want it another way.💖🌼🏵️🌺
© M.T. Crossdale