

whispering nature 🌿🍃
In forests deep where shadows play,
Whispering nature holds its sway.
Leaves dance with a gentle sigh,
Beneath the canvas of the sky.

Streams murmur secrets to the stones,
Echoes of ancient, hushed tones.
Breezes weave through branches high,
Softly singing a lullaby.

Birdsong flits on morning air,
Tales of joy and tender care.
Whispering nature's timeless art,
A symphony that stirs the heart.

Mountains rise in silent grace,
Guardians of a sacred place.
Whispers echo through the glen,
Nature's voice, a soothing blend.

In every leaf and blade of grass,
Whispering nature weaves its mass.
A tapestry of life and lore,
Whispered secrets evermore.
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