

They ran my friend crazy and took everything she had her car, her house, and all her land. I would go to her house fix her pump and they tour it up everytime I fix it.
I'm not going to get on here when you on here. They call her house ask her yes or no questions and take money out of her bank account. Don't believe the things that they are trying to make me look like. They would call her house pretending to be her daughter to piss her off with her daughter just to RIP them apart. So she'll be mad at her daughter.
They get on the phone and talk about roots
tell her that somebody got roots on her.
Don't let them turn you into them.... I see you everywhere. If you want to be with someone that's on here the same time that you are you have every right I'll just move on
I started posting bible scriptures they messed that up. Now they are trying to say that all the things that are being and said are coming from my daughter and niece to break up my family to have me mad with them. I've got advice coming out of wazu. Some of the things that they are saying are true and they are making sure of it. If you want a pretty face and a sexy body that ain't me. I look like my daddy and he ain't never been pretty. Everytime I go to the dentist I'm turned away for some excuse they have so I do have bad breath but I also smoke to. Don't get me wrong I can be better and I will be better. I know that you want someone that you can be with so you can do that. I'm not going to get on here and post some flowery faked up post talking in riddles or codes you deserve better, real.
They keep my phone my internet blocked most of the time trying to frustrate into doing stupid things. This one person post stuff like get this now you and me are in love
Lady... can believe some of the stuff that they do to try to get you to do things some of it is so obvious. Sometimes I just post things just for the feedback. They have done everything to push me to hurt someone get this some post thing like don't commit suicide, now I ask you how obvious is that?? They have been on here so long their heart has harden and they can't even feel how cold they've allow themselves to become.
You're in everything that I write you are such a special person look at your life where you've been straighten your head up...
Don't let nobody make you do nothing stupid nothing said is worth your life or your freedom. Stop letting them into your business. DO NOT BE NOT YOU.
Don't allow this to turn your heart hard
your soul cold and kill that beautiful spirit.
Listen STRAIGHTEN your head up.
Look I understand your messages and you have every right but you need to teach the one that you are with and want that I am NOT a threat to her. You like what you like
that is what you want you have every right to have that. Do me a favor... don't let that mess up our friendship OK...See that's the real me if you see someone that you want I will never stand in your way of being with them.
You deserve to feel good and enjoy yourself
I'm your friend and I like talking to you but I can not get on here with you everytime.
But I am going to post my real feelings most of what I be saying is what I would want to hear my man say to me like or not liked I don't care. Look nobody can make you want nobody if the attraction is not there it's just not there and if it is it is.

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