

An Ode to Musings
Dark is the night,
Darker the road,
Fathomless depths,
Stories untold.

Shades of grey,
Thou do not know,
Yin and Yang,
Doth ebb and flow.

Pure at heart,
Innocence galore,
With honest construct,
The reciprocal, thou do implore.

Defying the norms,
An untamed spirit,
Broken yet strong,
Thou stands undefeated.

A thousand knives,
Thrown very shrewdly,
Palaver flattery,
While plotting deftly.

Seeing through the act,
And knowing it all,
A gallizon masks,
The doinks adorn.

A seething rage,
Kept earnestly at bay,
Rocking the cage,
To free its way.

The heart is kind,
But unforgiving the soul,
For if provoked,
No leash can hold.

The lies, the deception,
Stand all unfolded,
The wall of pretence,
So deeply moulded.

Blind love and faith,
Few might still hold,
Glaring proof of deeds,
Has turned the heart cold.

The silence, the calm,
Thy true form?
Or is it actually,
A lull before the storm?

© Prachi Shukla - The Untamed