

WRITERS - To Change The World
In the stillness of the night, where dreams take flight,
Words weave a tapestry, painting stories so bright.
On the pages we write, our thoughts take flight,
Expressing emotions, in the depths of the night.

With every stroke of the pen, a story unfolds,
Unveiling secrets, as the night gently holds.
The ink dances on paper, like stars in the sky,
Creating a world where imagination can fly.

Through the whispers of the night, our voices are heard,
As we pour our souls into each and every word.
With every line we write, a piece of us is shared,
A glimpse into our hearts, for those who truly cared.

So let the night be our canvas, and the words our guide,
As we embark on a journey, side by side.
Together we'll create, with our pens as our might,
A symphony of thoughts, in the whispers of the night.

© Tara Lee