

Unpopular Opinion (Or is it?)
Some said, "There is no justice in this world",
People call that a pessimistic world view,

Some believe, "Justice will always prevail",
Coz that's what their scripture prescribed be it the old or the new,

Nature the sly devil brews its own worldly stew,
Indeed it is a sly devil always on the cusp of concocting something new,
Coz it discards species indifferently and if necessary starts anew,

Being morally upright can only mean something where conscience is involved,
Conscience keeps your humanity intact but that is not how survival works,
"Survival of the fittest" is the only way that the nature lets it progenies work,

Since the time when time began to be perceived by us as an entity to measure our duration on this planet,
We have only worked to overcome our limitations and conquer every possible habitat,

Concocted beliefs to put ourselves at the centre of the universe,
Desperate to give a meaning to our existence ended up doing things which can be summed in one word, "Perverse".

You can debate whether intention matters or the right approach is utilitarian,
Neither means nor the end would be able justify our actions,

If with all our intellect and principles,
We would end up the cause of our own annihilation.

© paradoxicalpenman

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