

word ppl push past.
A word that can frighten a person.
Yet if it's scary, why do ppl choose that as the fastest exist out of life?.
Why close our eyes at one point js to never open them again?.
Why lay wherever we are, wondering.
"Wht did I do?"
"What did I say?"
"Whod I hurt?"
"Who'd I break?"
"Who'd I fix?"
Times of where it never seems right.
A time we cannot explain.
Yet it relaxes us and frightens us.
Some like the pain of a thousand needles slowly going through their soft, broken skin.
The rest, they simply live their life, waiting for their time. Making sure they do things right, or simply do nothing.
I wonder what I will choose when I find my time. "Will I hurt someone?" "Will I help someone?" "Will I live my life happily?" Or " will I end it quickly to avoid the pain, suffering?". We never know till the last hit strikes us harder than before, it's up to us to look into our own eyes in the mirror and tell ourselves "is this what I truly want?" "Js to prove something?" "Js to make something stop?" "Js bc idk if im strong enough?, too scared to take the chance to try?". I guess will never know
© Tasha