

The Unrequited Love


And she said yes
When I meant not the request
It was only a bet
Oh! Now I regret...

She was harmless as a dove
I ignited in her love
She fell for my luring words
Me! Of everyone in the world

Like the serpent deceived Eve
I had scornfully played her feel
At least she could have rejected
Only if she knew it was unrequited

I shouldn't have toyed her emotions
Like a car in motion
Her love for me accelerated
But it wasn't reciprocated

Well, the heart of a man is desperately wicked
Who can know,the Bible said
I told her my love is a flowing Brook
But never told her I'm a crook

Some days,she slept on empty stomach
Just to be sure I don't lack
How do I crack her this joke
When for my lying needs,she went broke

She meant the love for good
But I never loved her,not even when I'm in the mood
I am indeed heartless
To have paid her less

I may have judged myself selfish,but
Don't judge me yet
Because this is pure allegory
Which is just but a fictional story

Bro! Today,free that lady
In the arms of the right man,she's a baby
If you don't love her
Why in captive,you keep her

Sister! You deserve nothing but the best
I know it hurts but first
You have to move on
The right man will take you second to none

Friday 8th April 2022
Time : 21:11

© Debraj Goswami