

Two Birds
It was his true love that made her to grow,
And she get lost in his words the way he sow.
His pleasure is beyond imagination when he talks with her
Sharing everything in night, long tiring day after.

Her waiting for the whole day to talk with him,
Make the talks more lovely, and lights are dim.
His hand around her shoulder, she lying her head on his chest;
After work of whole day she was taking rest.

It were the heaven hours for them, they spend together;
Tagged their name, albatross flew away with flocking feather.
He nestled her a little and she turns a bit red,
Butterfly few in her stomach and she was glad.

Sitting near the warm grate and warming their soul,
Her cheeks blushed below his burning kiss.
In this lonely world, two love birds are there;
And to separate them, god will also not dare.

© heart of a dying star
. #Love #friends #comfort #talking #cuddle #fresh