

Familiarity is a component of complacency
A composition,
Somewhat of a profession
A complex declaration
'I can do this tomorrow.'

This is somewhat of a Time Machine.
Living in multiple tenses
The past to learn
The present to practice my intentions
and the future to project my location.
This is a comprehensive decision

For a split second you can speak to someone in the future.
and say
'I don't value your time.'

I feel as if I should.
Is time really apart of the equation?
Is my dedication predicated on something so man made?

A soul just might be an entity stuck in a time lapse.
As if my thoughts aren’t the same.
Lap after lap,
I ask myself.
is the personification of my choice a result of my perspective?
or my circumstances?

I ask for clarity as I move through my interrogation.

© TheUpsetMillennial