

Picture of Justice
"Mr. Thompson pay attention"
His teacher scolds and warns
"Or you will fail the test
Over plants and thorns"

But little Tommy doesn't need to fret
And worry, whine or grieve
Because this boy of intellect
Has something up his sleeve

Just a common pad and pen
Or so, to most, it seems
But with a flick of artistic might
His chance has been redeemed

He puts the pen to paper
He knows his position's dire
He quickly doodles one small sketch
Which resembles a small fire

Once the teacher looks away
He tosses it to the trash
And soon the can is smoldering
Its contents forming into ash

The alarm then rings out
And everyone leaves their desks with glee
Little Tom is the fire safety guard
Leaves last and takes the key

He copies down the answers
As down the hall the students rush
And once they stop on the playground
The key goes in a bush

Once all clear has been announced
The students can return
To their desks and classrooms
Which clearly didn't burn

He frantically completes the quiz
And then he signs his name
Too bad the classroom bully's work
Went up in little flames

So perhaps in the future
Don't pick on little nerds
Or else you may just lose your test
When you get him perturbed.

© Geoffrey Shelton