

Endowed with a sprit so dull,

Her friends fewer in her hull,

The life outside protrudes with excitement,

That eludes her loving containment,

Years and years rush by,

Stifling, her inward demise spills cries,

She walks up to her lanky father,

His old and tattered self shattered by her matter,

She collects her inheritance and walks away,

To a life that draws far down the day,

Night parties, clubbing, a little too small,

Gluttonous habits with generous trips to malls,

Her money runs down with her identity,

A small shrivelled self exchanged with her mighty,

A valiant race she once ran,

Now reduced to a calloused life clan,

Soon her inheritance is gone,

Everything vanished like a dust storm done,

Her extravagant persona reduced to a pauper,

Jumping from street to street with nothing but a wrapper,

She resides with pigs at the barn,

A downgrade to her former ball of yarn,

Then her world clicks into place,

A servant she will be, a valiant mace,

A downright pauper bred as a maid

A fate much lighter than her current glaze,

She set off with sprits down,

Rehearsing her truths in her ruined gown,

Her old father ran from where he stood afar,

Compassion evident in his gaze on her,

Forgiveness and mercy enveloping judgement,

Her world restored to it's former arrangements.

I want to thank God for giving me the Grace to write this. So, how do you see it? Remember God is like the father in this poem, despite your sins he would still be happy to watch you return home, ask for forgiveness and your sins will be forgiven. Remember he is not a God that holds all your mistakes to heart, all you have to do is ask and he will happily accept you once again.
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