

sparkling mist with a fresh breeze
guided me to follow the road,
which I have never taken before.
my long white dress matched,
the heavenly roses with pink Petals.
outside the unknown Cottage
lied a road full of Thrones and stones.
I had no slippers nor shoes.
with care, I walked.
the road was not clear.
It was hard as walking in hell!
misty morning with great mystery,
questioned me!
"Who are you?"
I looked around and my eyes behold
a bird with feathers
as Furious as fire,
with pointy eyes focused on me,
Afraid I was,
Unable to find my purpose,
I ran towards the misty path,
fresh air with crystal clear dewdrops,
on dead tree trunks and
blooming rose petals.
I found myself on a riverbank,
A reflection of glory and beauty!
I am a poet!
I would write and awake,
the guardians of heaven through,
flowing words and let demons,
sleep for an eternity.
I am a poet!
Through my words,
I would sparkle the mist and paint roses,
with rainbow magic colours.
I will fly on the back of the
furious firebird as a queen.
I will rise and rule my empire with,
words of power and,
the mystery of magical poetry.

© @Paro