

A Dance With Time's Tapestry

Amidst the river of ages, I dreamt to tread,
With time's tapestry unwound, its secrets spread.
Past's whispered echoes and futures untold,
In the dance of chronicles, my heart took hold.

Through portals of might, I journeyed afar,
To rewrite the past, each scar and each star.
But as ripples of change cascaded in stride,
The present was altered, a turbulent tide.

A butterfly's flutter, a kingdom undone,
The intricacies of history, all but overrun.
With each altered moment, a new web was spun,
The delicate balance of time, swiftly undone.

Glimpses of tomorrows, they beckoned so near,
Yet gazing too long, awakened the fear.
For futures unearned and knowledge unchecked,
Could twist fate's design, leaving hearts wrecked.

A labyrinth woven with choices untold,
Consequences unfurling, a story of old.
Time's tapestry fragile, both tender and vast,
To tamper with destiny, a dangerous cast.

In pondering the paradox, a lesson arose,
That time, like a river, continuously flows.
To embrace the present, past lessons we see,
For the future's a canvas, not solely for me.

So let us reflect on the wisdom held dear,
In the whispers of ages, let caution be clear.
Time travel's allure, a complex ballet,
In the end, it's the present that colors our day.

© Christine