

I am determined to be great
I am determined to be a better person
I saw a lotta successful people
business tycoons
Great professors
Can't I be one of those great people
Ain't I worth it?
Don't I deserve better?

I wanna be successful
I wanna be great too
I want to prove that I can do it
I am determined to be great
There's discrimination
But I as a woman of valour
Will prove women worthiness

I will be heard
My voice will speak out loud
They may mute my voice now
But soon I will raise my voice
I will be heard

They may screw me now
But determination will stand me high
They muted me with their sharp tongues
My heart is bleeding
From the spears of an unknown Bowman
But soon my wounds will heal
For time heals
and my voice will be heard

I will raise my voice
To speak out
Their ears will shall be open
And they will give attention
They will recognize me
They will be shocked

I will rejoice
I will give them thanks
For their tonts and and critiques
Brought me this far.

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