

Wolves in Sheep's Garb
Wolves in Sheep's Garb


Names used in the poem are for the sake of rhyme and used by sheer accident. They refer to no one in particular, living or dead.

Further it is clarified that Facebook as an Organization have nothing to do with such activities, but those using it as a platform for their nefarious activities should be held responsible and punished.

This poem I have posted after reading many cases where Facebook users had been cheated of their money and also know of some who had been made promises of marriage, but were ditched unceremoniously soon after.

Wolves in Sheep's Garb

Ye, sweet lasses of this digital age
Where Facebook has become a rage,
Be wary of such a stranger
Whose request hides a possible danger,

A friend he wants to be with you
And posts morphed photos to view,
Makes you believe he's an honest lad
While harbouring intentions bad,

Send not your hard-earned money
Because he called you 'honey',
Once the money from you is gone,
He is gone the next morn,

They hunt for the gullible
Convincing the victim they're believable,
You'll never become his bride
For you've have been taken for a ride,

Fall not for such a scheming one
Who with you plans to have some fun,
They've a mind which is sick,
Beware, and don't fall for his trick,

There are instances too many
When victims like Sarah or Jenny
Found to their utter dismay
The folly of not saying "Nay"

Raghav R
© Raghav R