

please y'all follow me on ig at @secretegiggles i will really appreciate it with love ♡

Im me
Me who is free
Free like a bird in the sky
Sky high that feels like saying goodbye
Goodbye to bad vibes because im shy

Shy but im an extrovert
Extrovert that is sensitive that gets herself hurt
Hurt by people who don't understand
Understand because im in demand
Demand of true love
Love from thee above
Above stay the lord
Lord that is adored

Adored by me and every other person
Person because not everyone adores him this can worsen
Worsen the culture as teens runaway
Runaway from the bible but its okay
Okay because they believe its just a display
Display because they dont believe in him
Him that can make you believe you can swim

Swim in deep oceans
Oceans in circular motions
Motions that can't be done
Done by anyone
Other than you

Im me
Me who's friendly
Friendly beautifully
Beautifully because no one can be like me
Me who is unique
Unique with a wonderful technique
Technique that people barely notice
Notice because they barely ask advice

Im just me
Me who is minding me
Me that believes can do better than me

@secretegiggles #writco #writcoQoute #OpenMicContest

check me out on ig at SECRETEGIGGLES please I'll appreciate it