

That soothes🍃✨
It chases the sunlight,
Pulling in the night.

It hugs the clouds,
Using it as a shroud.

Unlike a whirlwind,
It remains tender.

More like a mother's touch,
It soothes much better.

A walk in the park feels right,
Only when it visits and benight.

Strolling the streets comforts,
Cos' clarity is that which it brings forth.

The vehement monsters calmed,
Letting my head be embalmed.

Clearing all diseases of the heart,
It makes my troubles depart.

Like a universal remedy,
The world suddenly feels like comedy.

With laughter and smiles,
I walked through miles.

The damp wave it carries,
Is my dark side's achilles'

Bring forth to me,
In the early evening of bliss,
Breeze that accompanies glee.

And cover me smooth,
With damp air that soothes.

© dh_irah✨🦋