

Highschool crush
Thousand little fantasies
Erupt inside me
Volcano like thing
All for thee

When you smile
I forget to smile
But I know my eyebrows dance
To the rhythm of yer heart

Oh that smile
Melted my heart
Like icecream does
On a hot soft brownie

When you walk
My foot goes numb
Hoping for a small talk
While I know it's dumb.

You might fall on your knees
Like raindrops from the sky
Passing by the dimple of my cheek
Scattering a unique colour
Which I know can never exist.

When a random girl you propose
My life finds the purpose
Knowing it just wants to be yours
But it's such a hard course.

When you say your new crush
My cheeks flow red and blush
My mouth says it in a hush
All while my dream gets crush.

I'll forever be depressed
As never between our 'Is' and 'Yous'
Was there a 'I love you'
Oh I wonder if there could atleast have been a 'I like you'

But I'll forever look back
At the haze and tales
Of my love who was the first
And felt like the best.
© ©Ipgirl