

Oh, Father
Here comes the day when I finally eat my heart at all the words I said in mischief, jealousy, and anger.
He warned me, my father, he did, believe it or not, he did.
He sat me down and said all he could and me in my way of proving I'm old enough to be, drowned out all his warning.

I said to myself, isn't that what every parent tells their child in their bid to forever control them? isn't that what they all say?
I ask no one in particular as I wander off in haste to waste my youthful days.

Now I'm bereft of my father and all his warnings,
Stripped of my mother and her ever disapproving frown,
Left to wander on my own,
make my own decisions,
cook my meals, and worst of all fend for myself.
Oh, father if only you could see your little girl and the mess she calls her life.
Dearest mother, if only you could see her cry bitter tears on matters that can't be redeemed.

Oh If only you could see the mess she calls her life.
© Ammfak