

it's a new beginning
Changing seasons hark new beginnings,
Like the shoots of tender plants on a Spring morning..
it's needed for a person to start afresh, yes you had a tough time but no you're not going to have a tough future ..always look for a brighter day, always admire the little that you have..

it has been a long year, we have all gone through ups and downs ..but be greatful for the opportunity to live another day, embrace and embark into the brand new day.

start today, start a new day with just a smile and positivity, because you don't know what the world may throw at you this day.. but look towards this day and shine Bright ..

hide your fears and hurts with happiness.. a lot of people are looking forward to your downfall, prove them wrong and carry your head high, lift your shoulders up and walk boldly with pride..

A new day has come, start along with goodness
© Thandy.M