

Shift of energy
In with breeze warm and tingling against skins touch. Day has become more dense as the air calms to still.

News if sadden tears and woe of bloods shed pain.. I feel the weight. Gift heavy and the choking feelings of anxiety has begun to surface.

Breathe. The outward breath has pushed out the heavy and peace can wash over.

Breathe. It's okay to feel. It's okay to allow the hurt to wash over to cleanse. Bottling up is a cork in life's flow.

Breathe. This be the breath of forgiving self for feeling the emotions meant. It's is okay to hurt for another as long as you don't forget to lift the load on to what is truth... you cannot change was or is.. be calm.

Breathe. Trying to conquer ascension on your own is hard. The awakening can be trying and you may want to give up.. but.. don't.

Breathe. The world is a big place and you cannot help everyone without being there for self. Self care is a major part of your growth and healing.

Breathe. You are exactly where you are supposed to be right now. Baby steps are important to awareness. You cannot rush a process.

Breathe. This to is passing. You can't allow others to make you feel bad for healing the way that is comfortable for you. Silence and stillness are important. Everyone cannot be in your person energy space. You have the right to say.. I need me time.

Breathe. Tomorrow is tomorrow.. today is the focus. You can focus on one thing at a time an not feel guilty about wanting to be left alone or with someone who understands your need. Distractions are meant to keep you at bay of life.. limiting your extensions are self caring vibes of energy. You are a spiritual being. The flesh is made to fight against.. the shedding.

Breathe. This poem held your attention. You made it through.. the attack. Love yourself more beautiful soul.

© Evone GoddessLegba Payton Banks