

"Seeds of Kindness."
In the garden of life, where kindness blooms,
Good deeds are the flowers that chase away gloom.
With each gentle gesture, a ripple is sent,
Spreading warmth and joy wherever it's lent.

A smile shared freely, a helping hand extended,
In the tapestry of humanity, they're threads splendid.
For in the giving of self, we find true wealth,
In the richness of hearts, lies life's true health.

From the smallest act of kindness to the grandest deed,
Each one plants hope, like a sacred seed.
For goodness knows no bounds, nor does its power wane,
In the dance of compassion, hearts are forever reign.

So let us sow goodness, wherever we may roam,
For in the harvest of love, we find our home.
In the symphony of kindness, let our souls take the lead,
For in the chorus of good deeds, we find all we need.
© Sourav