

Stomach ache
SD: A poem that I turned into a song ❤️

“My stomach ache
Feeling like a little, internal earthquake
Wanna fastly run away
Can’t take this feeling anymore
Pain coursing through my abdomen
Wanting to take some pills
To fall asleep
Make the pain go away”
“Can’t stand this agony I’m feeling
Wanting my nerve endings to go numb
Pain is my favorite type of communal drug
All i do all day is stay awake in my bed
Tossing and turning in my white sheets
Feelin like In internally bleeding
My thoughts internally receding”
“Can’t focus, no concentration
This constant pounding in my stomach
Want to get a hammer and start a bludgeon
Smash my body into pieces
No more stomach aches
No more underbelly earthquakes
No more party favors and quick dates
Just me lying in my bed
The thoughts making me want to be dead”
The pain is overwhelming
I might just choke on my thoughts/feelings
My brain is not superseding
No conceptualization
Only pain and irritation
My abdomen is on fire
Nerve endings firing, like I’m hanging on a live wire”
“Wanting to feel better
A feeling I can’t figure out how to escape
My body keeping me awake
I wanna fall into a deep sleep
So tired of hurting when I breathe
No more tears, no more aggravation
Just my body and me
Craving to be totally free”

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