

Because of him.....
because of him,
everytime I have to listen .
because of him,
my mom scolds me after knowing everything.
because of him,
I can't live happily.
because of him,
I can't do, what I wanted to do.
because of him,
I am always punished.
because of him,
I can't say anything.
because of him,
my parents think I am wrong.
because of him ,
I always becomes sad.
because of him,
I am becoming devil .
because of him,
I can't even sit alone.
because of him,
I even can't cry .
because of him,
I can't be positive, everyone says I am negative but it's not true .
because of him,
I can't share my feelings with anyone .
because of him,
I wants. to become a introvert ,but I can't do so .
because of him ,
sometimes I feel that I hate myself .
because of him,
I am not liking to live.
because of him,
I think I have to leave my dream.....
Because of him......