

A indecisive Debate..
"The Feelings we have is Magic!
Closer we get; might end in Tragic.
Let me Love you like I Love Moon
After Charm fades, find me soon".

To know more, I ask for a chance
Before I take you out to the Dance.
Happy to be Loved like the Moon.
I do seek answers, But not so soon.

"Our Past was never poetic and same
Don't play the Present like it's a game
Future might put one of us to shame.
Draw a line, Before starting to blame."

Past is only to define what we became
Present is only to live for, like a game.
Future always change by how we frame
I'm Sorry, if I soon reached at Endgame.

"Let me Hold you in my memories
I'll remember, even after centuries
Souls do reborn and never forgets
Let me remember you without regrets."

I never liked being in documentaries
I'm not one of scientific discoveries.
Let me walk with you once we met
Some talks with you hasn't said yet.

{Thoughts that sparkled through my mind}
© Prakash JR