

A Degrading Society
In the depths of our society, a degradation prevails,
Where respect for the elderly slowly fades and fails.
Young souls entangled in illegal pursuits,
Seeking money and power, forsaking moral roots.

Brothers turning against brothers with hearts full of greed,
For material possessions, they plant the darkest seed.
Girls show off their bodies like an artifact in a museums on display,
devaluing their worth, their privacy and pride, for peanuts their only pay.

Fathers dodge their responsibilities, leaving hearts torn,
Neglecting the duty to nurture, leaving families worn.
Mothers too, burdened by the weight of their own strife,
Neglect the sacred bond, the foundation of life.

The corruption of our nation, like a wildfire, spreads far and wide,
In the halls of power, where truth and justice collide.
The very fabric of our society turning upside down,
Leaving us lost and confused searching for solid ground.

But amidst this chaos, a flicker of hope remains,
A call for change, for compassion, and breaking of chains.
For in unity and love, we can rebuild what's been lost,
Restoring dignity and values, no matter the cost.

Let us rise above the darkness that now surrounds,
With empathy and understanding, let harmony abound.
Together, we can mend the fractures, heal the divide,
And create a society where good moral ethics, peace, harmony, love and justice reside.
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