

My Shadow Love

The moment i set my eyes upon thee
You melted my heart
I felt a broken heart mending again
For your soft laughter brought joy to my broken heart
Looking at your little blue eyes
Is like looking at the great blue sea
Your skin is as soft and fluffy as the clouds
You are like the morning star that shines my darkness
Anytime i go to work, i am not able to concentrate
Because there is something in me that is missing
Your hair is dark as the raven
Your lips are red like a hot red charcoal
Your touch is like maiden milking
Your teeth color is like the everest apex
Thy color of your skin is like the morning sun
Your kiss is like the juice made from the coconut
You are wise like the old owl in the tree top behind the golden library

At times when I walk through the park
I feel like someone is right there beside me
Holding me close
Like a fluffy teddy bear
You are like a flower with the most sweet scented fragrance used in a perfume
You are like the shadow that follows me everywhere
An image when I look at the mirror
You mean so much to me.
The most wonderful, prettiest creature made from God.
Thank you for being there for me
© Saighoe Francis Asilfie Kweku