

The blue school gate

Every morning at seven,
The blue school gate is opened.
Lutrel walks in so confident,so happy.
From the car , I can watch him smile and greet his friends and teachers.

Other parents too let go theirs.
Some smile,some frown.
Some greet,some snob.
Some shout,some run.
Some just don't care.

We stay there most often observing our little ones on the lines.
It's so great a sensation watching their little legs jump and match to class.

Though i'm anxious,
I've got to go.
For other children await me too.
I can't wait for three,
To rush to school and impatiently wait by the blue gate,
To catch my little boy in my arms.

That tremendous moment ,
When my little boy comes out of it,a smile on the face,running to wards his mom for a hug.

That feeling.
Yes that feeling.
I wish it for you.

© Abigail Ek.